About / Purpose

Clearly the author is a faithless doubter. But I do not know that a Creator does not exist.

The stories of the Christian Cosmology do not contribute to my acceptance of a Creator.

My purpose here is to write out my problems with the stories of the Christian Cosmology.

Feel free to answer those problems, as best you can, in the comments. Ad hominem and vulgar or obscene attacks will be deleted. Use reason and evidence in your arguments.

My purpose here is NOT to convince you that your faith is wrong, or that God does not exist. My commentaries here illuminate why I have great doubt about the veracity of the Cosmology of a Creator, based on the human stories available on the Earth, in particular the stories of the Christian faith.

I am a doubter who WANTS there to be a continuation of personal existence after    Earthly death. The Christian stories and histories are not convincing to me of that possibility. My commentary articles here are a summary of those doubts.
